$ ./welcome
             ____                               __                          
             /    )                  /        /    )    /             /    /
           /         /___)  /   )  /           \      /   )  /___)  /    /  
         _/_________(___ __/______/________(____/____/___/__(___ __/____/___

    _   _                                             __                            
    /  /|                                           /    )            ,          /  
---/| /-|-----__----)__---_/_------------__---------\--------_--_--------_/_----/__-
  / |/  |   /   )  /   )  /     /   /  /   )         \      / /  )  /    /     /   )
_/__/___|__(___(__/______(_ ___(___/__/___/______(____/____/_/__/__/____(_ ___/___/_
                              (_ /                                                  
$ ./bad

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use Data::Dumper;
    use MyApplication::SomeModule;

    my $foo = MyApplication::SomeModule->new('some args');


    print Dumper($foo);

$ ./good
    $ magical-perl-shell-thing

    Loaded project rc-file (.magical-perl-shell-thingrc)

    > $foo->method_1()
    ... dumper output here
    > $foo->method_1()
    ... more dumper output here

$ ./picture-to-keep-attention
                                    .'  .-"  /%%%
                                _.-'_.-" 0)   \%%%
                               /.\.'           \%%%
                               \ /      _,      %%%
                                `"---"~`\   _,*'\%%'   _,--""""-,%%,
                                         )*^     `""~~`          \%%%,
                                       _/                         \%%%
                                   _.-`/                           |%%,___
                               _.-"   /      ,           ,        ,|%%   .`\
                              /\     /      /             `\       \%'   \ /
                              \ \ _,/      /`~-._         _,`\      \`""~~`
                               `"` /-.,_ /'      `~"----"~    `\     \
* No dependancies                  \___,'                       \.-"`/
* Dynamic feature loading
    - tab completion
    - auto module reloading
    - multiple output formats (I wish)
* Project specific rc files (kinda)
$ ./wishlist
* Lexical::Persistance                            .~\ /~\_/ \.
                                                .~\_/~\_/ \_/~\.
* Smarter tab-completion                      .~\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/~\
                                   .----.    /\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/\
* Implement output formats        (o)(o)`\_ /_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_\
                                  |      , |/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \.  _.;
* Better rc support                \ "  /  |\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/~\"'_.'
                                    `--'`--\/_\-/-\_/-\-/ \_/-\_/_\.-""
* Other ideas?                               /~/"""| |"""""| |'"\~\
                                           _/ /   _| |    _| |   \ \
                                          (___|  (___|   (___|  (___|

$ ./other-options

* psh - normal shell replacement        _      _                        
                                       : `.--.' ;              _....,_  
* few random pure-perl shells          .'      `.      _..--'"'       `-._
                                      :          :_.-'"                  .`.
* Devel::REPL - a kitset shell        :  6    6  :                     :  '.;
                                      :          :                      `..';
                                      `: .----. :'                          ;
                                        `._Y _.'               '           ;
                                          'U'      .'          `.         ; 
                                             `:   ;`-..___       `.     .'`.
                                             _:   :  :    ```"''"'``.    `.  `.
                                           .'     ;..'            .'       `.'`
                                          `.......'              `........-'`

$ ./questions
            __                                                        ___  
          /    )                               ,                    (    ) 
        /  \ /    /   /   /___)  (_ `  /     /    /   )  /   )  (_ `   /    
      _(____X____(___(___(___ __(__)__(_ ___/____(___/__/___/__(__)___o_____
                                     .-'&    '-.
                                    /           \
                                   :   o    o    ;
                                  (      (_       )
                                   :             ;
                                    \    __     /
                                      /    ,  \
                                     /|/\/\/\ _\ 
                                     __)_ |_ (__


You can get a copy of the perl shell (pii) from http://dollyfish.net.nz/projects/pii