svk Upgrading your development from svn to svk and svl #13

Get unplugged (Cont.)

% svk cp svn:// svk
% svk mi svn:// //mirror/svk
% svk cp //mirror/svk //local/svk
% svk co //local/svk


% svk add file
% svk commit -m "Did this"
% svk rm file
% svk revert   # oops!  bring it back
% svk diff //mirror/svk/tags/1.02 .
% svk log -l5 .
% svk propedit svn:ignore .   # not svk:ignore!

Later, when you have connectivity:

% svk pull      # get freshest vendor branch
% svk push 
% svk push -l   # combine changes into one commit

To skip the extra step for a time:

% svk switch //mirror/svk
% svk ci # commits directly
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