HTML Slide Themes

The slide generation script creates a series of linked HTML pages. The page markup is generated from templates and the styling is applied using a CSS stylesheet and related images. The templates, the stylesheet and the images can be edited to create the look you're after.

Each of the themes listed here provides a set of templates, a stylesheet and images which you can drop in to your presentation to change the look. Simply download a tarball and unpack the files in your existing presentation directory. It is recommended that you commit your presentation files into your source control system (subversion etc) before installing a new theme - that way you can roll back easily if required.


The original theme. Simple, clean, nothing to go wrong. Black text on a white background with classic red highlights.


Based on the Classic theme but using blue highlights rather than red. A big blue tick marks off each bullet point and dingbats point the way to the next slide.


This theme was created for a talk on debugging. It uses black text on a white background but each slide is an explosion of colour with bugs attacking from all angles.


Inspired by a theme from the LaTeX Beamer package. It's got a seriously boring corporate feel, but with orange highlights.