DNS Headers 

|                      ID                       |
|QR|   Opcode  |AA|TC|RD|RA|   Z    |   RCODE   |
|                    QDCOUNT                    |
|                    ANCOUNT                    |
|                    NSCOUNT                    |
|                    ARCOUNT                    |
#;; id = 27825
#;; qr = 1    opcode = QUERY    aa = 0    tc = 0    rd = 0
#;; ra = 0    ad = 0    cd = 0    rcode  = NOERROR
#;; qdcount = 1  ancount = 0  nscount = 7  arcount = 10
print "query identification number = " . $packet->header->id . "\n";
print "query response = " . $packet->header->qr . "\n";
print "opcode (the purpose of the query) = " . $packet->header->opcode . "\n";
print "authoritative answer = " . $packet->header->aa . "\n";
print "truncated packet = " . $packet->header->tc . "\n";
print "recursion desired = " . $packet->header->rd . "\n";
print "recursion allowed = " . $packet->header->ra . "\n";
print "checking disabled  = " . $packet->header->cd . "\n";
print "recursion available = " . $packet->header->ra . "\n";
print "ad (DNSSEC) = " . $packet->header->ad . "\n";
print "response code = " . $packet->header->rcode . "\n";
print "number of records in the question section = " . $packet->header->qdcount . "\n";
print "number of records in the answer section = " . $packet->header->ancount . "\n";
print "number of records in the authority section = " . $packet->header->nscount . "\n";
print "number of records in the additional section = " . $packet->header->arcount . "\n";