Make Pretty Changelogs

/gkwr $ cvs2cl
cvs log: Logging .
cvs log: Logging db
cvs log: Logging doc
cvs log: Logging php
cvs log: Logging php/images
/gkwr $ tail -169 ChangeLog | head -50
2005-01-04 12:20  peter

        * php/doSearch.php: Far more complete search capability.

2005-01-03 23:20  peter

        * php/: def.php, doSearch.php, enterReview.php, getArticle.php,
          getReview.php, getReviewIndex.php, gkwr.css, index.php,
          utils.php: Introduced search capability, requiring major
          restructure of much stuff.

2005-01-01 12:03  peter

        * db/gkwr-schema.sql: Actually include sortorder for wintype.
          Allow reviewing two different vintages of the same wine on the
          same date.

2005-01-01 09:43  peter

        * db/gkwr-schema.sql: Introduced sort columns for reviews and wine

2005-01-01 09:42  peter

        * php/: enterArticle.php, enterReview.php, getReview.php,
          getReviewIndex.php, gkwr.css, index.php, maintain.php: More
          changes in consultation with Geoff.  Prettier formatting, mostly.

2004-12-30 17:45  peter

        * php/: enterArticle.php, enterReview.php, getArticleIndex.php,
          getReview.php, getReviewIndex.php, gkwr.css, index.php,
          utils.php, images/geoff_kelly.gif: Extensive changes from day of
          collaboration with Geoff.

2004-12-29 22:51  peter

        * php/getReviewIndex.php: Rewritten to allow neatly breaking down
          into two columns, taking into account the relative sizes of

2004-06-20 21:31  peter

        * php/enterArticle.php: Debugging changes.  Still broken?

2004-06-20 20:49  peter

        * php/utils.php: Magic quotes were on.  magic_quotes_gpc.